Nanospell Spell Checking Software Components
JavaScript jQuery CKEditor TinyMCE PHP ASP.Net Classic ASP

The ASP.Net Spell Checker

Re-skinning and Styling ASPNetSpell

<ASPNetSpell:SpellTextBox ID="SpellTextBox1" runat="server" CSSTheme="bright">

Modifying the Look and Feel of the ASPNetSpell Button

The ASPNetSpell SpellButton can be rendered as an Image Button, a regular button or a link using the ButtonType property.

In addition - you can change the ImageButtons images by changing the Image and RolloverImage properties... as well as the rollover tooltip using the Text property.

In addition you can add a style attribute to modify the look in any way permitted by CSS.

Creating an New ASPNetSpell Theme

Using themes - you can completely re-arrange and re-skin ASPNetSpell, incluing the context menu and dialog.

1. Create a Custom Theme Directory

  1. Go to /ASPNetSpellInclude/themes
  2. Duplicate "classic" and rename to the name of your new theme

2. Customize The Theme

  1. Edit context-menu.css to change the look of the inline (in-context) spellchecker and its menu
  2. Edit dialog-window.css to change the look of pop-up spellchecker dialog

3. Implement Your Theme

To implement your theme - just set the CSSTheme property of either the SpellButton or SpellTextBox Class to the name of you theme (its folder name)

An example theme - "Bright" has been implemented as an example for you.

<ASPNetSpell:SpellTextBox ID="SpellTextBox1" runat="server" CSSTheme="bright">

More Easy Look and Feel Customizations