Nanospell Spell Checking Software Components
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The ASP.Net Spell Checker

ASPNetSpell Razor Object Reference

A namespace of classes which provide As-You-Type spelling and spellcheck button functionality to Razor Pages and Razor MVC3 views.


Provides As-You-Type spellchecking suggestions for textareas.

AddWordsToDictionary Base.AddToDicType User Where to save words when a user uses the 'adds to the dictionary' feature.
  • 'User' saves locally in the user's browser cache.
  • 'Server' saves centrally on your server and affects all other users.
  • 'None' disables the feature and hides the "Add to Dictionary" and "Learn Spelling" buttons.
BypassAuthentication bool false Wherever possible avoids instantiating Windows Integrated Security (NTLM) login windows by using the iFrame AJAX method.
CaseSensitive bool true iNCoRReCtLy CaSed WordS ArE CoRRectTed.
CheckGrammar bool true Basic structural grammar, repeated words and capitalized new sentences are corrected.
CSSTheme string "classic" Visual theme for the spellchecker context menu. Refers to a folder name in ~/AspNetSpellInclude/themes/
DeferScripts bool false Defers script execution until all other scripts are complete. This aids Legacy Internet Explorer compatibility.
DictionaryLanguage string "English (International)" References a .dic file in your ASPNetSpellInclude/Dictionaries/ folder.
  • Go to for free dictionaries.
  • Use commas for multiple simultaneous languages.
FieldsToSpellCheck string ALL HTML Element, Teat Area, or Input to be spellchecked - identified by id.
  • Use commas to separate a list of more than one id e.g. "TextArea1, TextArea2".
  • You may also set "ALL", "EDITORS","TEXTAREAS" and "EDITORS" to automatically target all of these field types on the page.
  • To specifically target a WYSIWYG Rich HTML Editor - target the HTML element that directly encloses it.
HiddenButtons string "" A comma separated list of button ids to remove from the menu. E.g. 'btnAddToDict'
IgnoreNumeric bool true Words containing numbers such as 55BS73J or High5 are ignored
InstallationPath string "ASPNetSpellInclude/" Path to the ASPNetSpellInclude Folder.This folder should be copied into your site.
  • For MVC Razor Applications: Copy it to /Content/ASPNetSpellInclude and set InstallationPath = ("/Content/ASPNetSpellInclude");
  • For Non-MVC Razor websites: Copy it to /ASPNetSpellInclude in the root foler of your website project and set InstallationPath = Href("ASPNetSpellInclude");
JavaScriptId string ASPNetSpell_XXXXXXXX JavaScript variable name which can be used by advanced JavaScript developers to access the spell checker as a JavaScript object. X represents a random Hexadecimal digit. See the JavaScript Events And API Reference...
MouseButton Base.ContentMenuClickType RightClick Determines which mouse button will cause spelling suggestions to be displayed.
SafeAjaxHandler bool true Turning off the SafeAjaxHandler will improve performance by referencing a raw ASHX web handler for spelling requests. This may not work on some locked-down IIS hosting environments.
StrictSpellCheck bool true Disalows users from ignoring banned words and enforced corrections located within: * AspNetSpellInclude/dictionaries/language-rules/
UserInterfaceLanguage string "en" The User Interface language for the right click context menu. ASPNetSpell has translations in over 50 world languages. Custom translations can also be used.
getHtml() string No arguments Returns the necessary HTML to render the SpellAsYouType spellchecker.
  • To render in cshtml: @Html.Raw(SpellAsYouType1.getHtml())


Provides a spellchecking button that launches an MS-Word style spellcheck dialog window.

AddWordsToDictionary Base.AddToDicType User Where to save words when a user uses the 'adds to the dictionary' feature.
  • 'User' saves locally in the user's browser cache.
  • 'Server' saves centrally on your server and affects all other users.
  • 'None' disables the feature and hides the "Add to Dictionary" and "Learn Spelling" buttons.
ButtonText string "Spell Check" Button Text / Alt
ButtonType Base.SpellButtonType ImageButton Rendering mode of the spellchecking button
BypassAuthentication bool false Wherever possible avoids instantiating Windows Integrated Security (NTLM) login windows by using the iFrame AJAX method.
CaseSensitive bool true iNCoRReCtLy CaSed WordS ArE CoRRectTed.
CheckGrammar bool true Basic structural grammar, repeated words and capitalized new sentences are corrected.
CSSClass string "classic" CSS class to be applied to the spellchecking button
CSSStyle string "classic" Style attribute to be applied to the spellchecking button
CSSTheme string "classic" Visual theme for the spellchecker context menu. Refers to a folder name in ~/AspNetSpellInclude/themes/
DeferScripts bool false Defers script execution until all other scripts are complete. This aids Legacy Internet Explorer compatibility.
DictionaryLanguage string "English (International)" References a .dic file in your ASPNetSpellInclude/Dictionaries/ folder.
  • Go to for free dictionaries.
  • Use commas for multiple simultaneous languages.
FieldsToSpellCheck string ALL HTML Element, Teat Area, or Input to be spellchecked - identified by id.
  • Use commas to separate a list of more than one id e.g. "TextArea1, TextArea2".
  • You may also set "ALL", "EDITORS","TEXTAREAS" and "EDITORS" to automatically target all of these field types on the page.
  • To specifically target a WYSIWYG Rich HTML Editor - target the HTML element that directly encloses it.
HiddenButtons string "" A comma separated list of button ids to remove from the menu. E.g. 'btnAddToDict'
IgnoreNumeric bool true Words containing numbers such as 55BS73J or High5 are ignored
Image string "" Button Image used when SpellButtonType is "ImageButton"
InstallationPath string "ASPNetSpellInclude/" Path to the ASPNetSpellInclude Folder.This folder should be copied into your site.
  • For MVC Razor Applications: Copy it to /Content/ASPNetSpellInclude and set InstallationPath = ("/Content/ASPNetSpellInclude");
  • For Non-MVC Razor websites: Copy it to /ASPNetSpellInclude in the root foler of your website project and set InstallationPath = Href("ASPNetSpellInclude");
JavaScriptId string ASPNetSpell_XXXXXXXX JavaScript variable name which can be used by advanced JavaScript developers to access the spell checker as a JavaScript object. X represents a random Hexadecimal digit. See the JavaScript Events And API Reference...
MeaningProvider string "" URL expression for 'Lookup Meaning...' feature of the spellcheck dialog.
  • E.G.{word}
ModalDialog bool true Opens the spellcheck dialog as a modal "always-on-top" window.
RollOverImage string "" Button Image Rollover used when SpellButtonType is "ImageButton"
SafeAjaxHandler bool true Turning off the SafeAjaxHandler will improve performance by referencing a raw ASHX web handler for spelling requests. This may not work on some locked-down IIS hosting environments.
ShowMeaningsAndThesaurous bool true Shows a 'lookup meaning...' feature for each spell checking suggestion.
ShowSummaryScreen bool true Shows/Hides a summary screen upon spellchecking completion displaying usage statistics.
StrictSpellCheck bool true Disalows users from ignoring banned words and enforced corrections located within: * AspNetSpellInclude/dictionaries/language-rules/
UserInterfaceLanguage string "en" The User Interface language for the right click context menu. ASPNetSpell has translations in over 50 world languages. Custom translations can also be used.
getHtml() string No arguments Returns the necessary HTML to render a Button that opens an ASPNetSpell spell-checking Dialog.
  • To render in cshtml: @Html.Raw(SpellButton1.getHtml())



    /// Create a ASPNetSpell spell- as-you-type feature for any textarea
    ASPNetSpell.Razor.SpellAsYouType mySpell = new ASPNetSpell.Razor.SpellAsYouType();
    mySpell.FieldsToSpellCheck = "TextArea1";

    /// Create a ASPNetSpell spellchecker button
    ASPNetSpell.Razor.SpellButton mySpellButton = new ASPNetSpell.Razor.SpellButton();
    mySpellButton.FieldsToSpellCheck = "TextArea1";
    ASP.NET Web Pages make it easy to build powerful .NET based applications for the web.
<textarea id="TextArea1" cols="20" rows="2">Helllo Worlb. </textarea>



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